THC-JD, an innovative cannabinoid discovered in 2020, offers powerful psychoactive effects, surpassing traditional THC. GORILLA GLUE THCJD flower is appreciated for its rich flavours and long-lasting relaxing effects. To preserve its freshness and aromas, it is essential to store it in a cool, dark, dry place away from direct sunlight.

What is THC-JD?

THC-JD, also known as Tetrahydrocannabioctyl, is an innovative natural cannabinoid found in small quantities in cannabis. Its molecular structure is similar to that of THC, but with a longer octyl side chain, making it particularly attractive to CBD enthusiasts. Recently discovered in 2020, this rare cannabinoid is renowned for its powerful psychoactive effects, surpassing even those of traditional THC in intensity and prolonged duration of action.

Ranked among the most potent cannabinoids, THC-JD outperforms well-established compounds such as THC, THCP and HHCPO. Its advantages include stronger psychoactive effects, rapid onset of action, longer duration of action and fewer side effects than THC. Due to its low natural presence in the plant, THC-JD is usually produced from CBD in a laboratory, requiring specialist skills. This offers CBD retailers a unique opportunity to expand their product range with this exceptional cannabinoid.

What effects/benefits can I expect from consuming GORILLA GLUE THCJD flower?

GORILLA GLUE THCJD flower, a new product on the cannabis market, is increasingly recognised for its unique and powerful effects. This product is derived from a specific type of cannabis plant, which undergoes a meticulous extraction process to produce a high-quality THCJD concentrate.

Striking effects

One of the most notable effects of GORILLA GLUE flower is its powerful sense of relaxation. Consumers report a feeling of calm and tranquillity after use.

Long-lasting benefits

GORILLA GLUE flower offers long-lasting effects. Unlike other cannabis products that may offer short-term relief, the effects of GORILLA GLUE flower last much longer. This durability can be particularly beneficial for those seeking prolonged relief.

How do I store Gorilla Glue GreenHouse THCJD flower to ensure it stays fresh?

The storage of Gorilla Glue GreenHouse THCJD flowers is crucial to maintaining their freshness and optimum potential. As with any plant product, these flowers can degrade under the effect of various environmental factors and must be stored correctly to preserve their full properties.

To begin with, it is essential to protect Gorilla Glue GreenHouse THCJD flowers from direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to the sun can alter the potency and quality of the flowers, as well as their aroma and flavour by diminishing the essential oils.

As well as keeping them out of the sun, we recommend storing these flowers in a dry place. Humidity can significantly affect their quality: too damp an environment encourages the growth of mould, while excessive dryness can alter the essential oils, making the smoke rougher and the experience less pleasant.

For optimum preservation, it's best to store Gorilla Glue GreenHouse THCJD flowers in an airtight container in a cool, dark, dry place. These conditions help to slow down the degradation process, preserving the freshness and potency of the flowers for an optimal consumption experience.